Curriculum Intent
The Triple Crown Centre is committed to providing a curriculum that promotes high expectations, a passion for life-long learning and ambition for the future.
Our students are with us for varying lengths of time, depending on many factors. However, every student is on a learning pathway to positive destinations, whether that be returning to their mainstream school or transitioning to a different mainstream school, a specialist provider or their choice of post-16 destination.
We endeavour to recognise and develop the talents and potential of each and every young person, irrespective of their starting points, whilst promoting and celebrating progress and achievement for all.
Working in collaboration with our students, their families, students’ mainstream schools and outside agencies is indigenous to our curriculum design as we:
- Encourage our young people to re-engage with education
- Ensure any previous disruption to a young person’s learning is not a barrier to the achievement of potential
- Address gaps in students’ knowledge and skills
- Establish the appropriate and relevant support our students deserve
- Continue to develop integration and re-integration programmes that support students to be successful in their learning community
We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, with students developing knowledge, understanding and skills through as wide a range of learning experiences as possible in our small school. Integral to this is the promotion of a growth mind-set culture of resilience, hard work, determination and responsibility. We want our learners to be thoughtful, adventurous and academically ambitious young people who are both creative and critical thinkers, with investigative and enquiring minds. We acknowledge the vital importance of developing students’ cultural capital, including a rich knowledge and understanding of vocabulary.
The Triple Crown Centre curriculum addresses social and emotional development and learning, to develop strength of character that empowers our young people to:
- Seize life’s opportunities and be determined to overcome inevitable difficulties and challenges
- Embrace and adapt to change
- Make good personal choices
- Grow in self-respect and self-control; confidence, self-esteem, resilience and independence
- Champion mutual respect and support for others
We aim to promote physically and mentally healthy lifestyles – a sense of well-being for all. Our curriculum is planned to empower students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to be able to keep themselves, and others, safe.
We aspire for every student to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to secure a future in education, training or the workplace and are passionate about promoting social mobility and equality.
Students at The Triple Crown Centre access a curriculum that promotes fundamental British values (see British Values statement and information).
This includes:
- An understanding of qualities needed to become respectful members of the community
- An awareness of rights and responsibilities
- Respect and celebration of similarities and differences
- Active participation in decision making processes
- An appreciation of, and responsible attitude towards, their environment and surroundings
- Having the skills and character attributes, which will enable them to make positive contributions to their local, national and global communities
We are committed to empowering our young people to be fully prepared for life in modern Britain.